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Our other museums: Creepy bugs, medical oddities and historical funerals

Three of Philadelphia's smaller museums offer fearsome delights. In this week's Washngton Post travel section, writer Timothy R. Smith visits The Insectarium, the Mutter Museum, and The Museum of Mourning Art.

The Insectarium, a small two-story museum in northeast Philadelphia, is a local destination for birthday parties and field trips, a chance for visitors to confront their entomophobias. After you've nibbled cheddar-dusted worms and watched a cockroach race, your terrors just might vanish.

The popular Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia draws large crowds that come to see horns protruding from human foreheads, skulls cratered by syphilis and a 7-foot-6-inch human skeleton, all real-life medical oddities.

In the Philadelphia suburb of Drexel Hill is Arlington Cemetery, where a funeral home that's a replica of Mount Vernon houses the Museum of Mourning Art.

Original Source: The Washington Post
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