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Melissa D'Agostino; creator and founder of D'Agostino Fashion Textile Design

Philly's Fashion Sense Returns, and It Looks and Feels Local

Daring entrepreneurs, a new incubator, region-wide support and higher ed are creating a new model for textile and apparel manufacturing.

Permanent Wave

PHILLY 3 FOR ALL: Scratch Night, Permanent Wave, MLK Day of Service

Help create future Live Arts shows, support gender equality locally and volunteer your time.

Flocking to Philly

Flocking to Philly: International Visitors Up Nearly 50 Percent

Visitors from Western Europe, and increasingly India, China and elsewhere in Asia, are flocking here for history, conventions and shopping.

Girl geek Dinner at Varga Bar

Women's Web: Philly's Rising Tide of Female-Focused Tech Groups

Several groups supporting women in technology have sprouted up in the last year, all looking to increase accessibility, awareness and acumen.

Olympic Fencing

How Philadelphia Is Keeping Its Olympic Hopes Alive

Rugby, table tennis, curling and this weekend's international fencing competition are some of the ways the Philadelphia Sports Congress is keeping Philly on the world stage.


Talent Dividend: How More College Grads Can Add to Our Bottom Line

College degrees lead to prosperous cities, adding billions to a city's bottom line. Philadelphia is among 57 cities competing for a $1M prize to boost college attainment.

Evan Malone at Next Fab

Group Think: Models of Collaborative Consumption Catch On in Philly

In Philadelphia, we share rides and workspaces and 3D printers, to name a few. As the concept grows nationally, our region stands to gain.


Best of TEDxPhilly: Tough Talks and Origami

Speakers were as gritty as this year's theme, The City, and we tried to spread some old-fashioned folding fun down in The Fractory at Temple.

Pop-up Piazza

What's Working in Cities: Placemaking's Power

With a premium on public input and economic development, placemaking is increasingly being employed in cities around the world.

University City Science Center

Scalable Innovation: Science Center Panel, Temple Prof Explore Paths

Whether it's about saving lives or cities, innovation can be on a faster track in Greater Philadelphia, and here's how some of the region's brightest minds propose we speed it up.

The beginnings of the first Urban Earthship - Kensington

Deep Dive on Green Jobs Shows Many Shades of Opportunity

Green jobs can mean many things to many people. To our expert, they have the power to transform Philadelphia on many levels: economic, environmental and educational, to name a few.

John Rusk

How to Make it in Philly as a Filmmaker

Can Philadelphia be a viable destination for movie making? Many argue it already is, and we talked to several successful filmmakers and advocates for the industry to find out why.

Design Philly

It's Not a Festival; DesignPhiladelphia Could Be Our Economic Savior

In its seventh year and now a brand agency, Hilary Jay's movement runs Oct. 13-23, putting forth its collective might with 150 public events.

Darla Jackson

How to Make It In Philly As a Sculptor

Turns out Philadelphia is a pretty good place to be if you're a sculptor. Here's why, including a look at the careers of those who have molded success out of the city's many inspirations.

PECO campaign by Tierney

Versatile and Visible: A New Advertising Age for Philly Firms

The industry started here in the 19th century but has long operated in the shadow of NYC. Here's how Philly ad agencies are recreating themselves.
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