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talent dividend : Featured Stories

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Talent Dividend

More Than $1M: Why Talent Dividend Should Matter to Philadelphia

The national college attainment competition has 57 cities attacking the issue on a community level to produce focused, short-term solutions.

J. Rudy Flesher, Amy Kiyota, Chris Alfano, Jamira Burley

Meet Four of Philadelphia's Next-Generation Leaders

We scouted out young talent in Philadelphia who are engaged in transformative work and figure to be among the city's next leaders.

Kenneth Horner abstract

CAMPUS PHILLY: Graduated, Engaged and Hired in Philly in About a Month

This native Philadelphian and LaSalle grad proposed to his college sweetheart and turned an internship into a full-time gig with GlaxoSmithKline.

Philly Skyline

Considering Philadelphia as a Tech Bootstrapping Community Rather Than a Tech Startup Community

The founder of Philadelphia Game Lab proposes an alternative starting point for evaluating health and scale of the city's startup community.

Erica Falvey at The Vanguard School in Malvern

CAMPUS PHILLY: A Student, Teacher, and Healer Rolled Into One

Cabrini College senior Erica Falvey has impacted thousands as a student teacher, volunteer and nonprofit founder, including one of her professors.

Women in Tech Summit

Turnout At First Women In Tech Summit Is Proof of Growth

Two hundred women convened for networking and learning on Saturday for this Philly Tech Week event, illustrating the local rise of women in technology.

UPenn Spring career Fair

MOVING PICTURE: Startups Take Over UPenn Career Fair

The record attendance was no coincidence: more startups are attracting more students and recent grads to stay in Philadelphia.

Ashley Peel Pinkham  Assistant Director - The Print Center

What Philadelphia Non-Profits Are Doing to Nurture Their Human Capital

As funding challenges mount, area non-profits are utilizing techniques to attract, grow and retain one of its most important resources: people.

World Class Greater Philadelphia leadership at the Focus 2026 unveiling

WORLD CLASS 2026: Economy League Unleashes Partners on Priority Areas

The next phase of the long-term initiative taps into its true power, with the Urban Land Institute, United Way and CEO Council for Growth tackling infrastructure, education and business.

Gabriel Stark

Philly's Next Rap Star is From Haverford College?

Bronx-bred Gabriel "Starky" Stark has worked hard at his craft on the Main Line, building a support team from other Tri-Co schools and focusing on production value and historical themes. His latest album, Starky F Kennedy, dropped on Jan. 7.


Talent Dividend: How More College Grads Can Add to Our Bottom Line

College degrees lead to prosperous cities, adding billions to a city's bottom line. Philadelphia is among 57 cities competing for a $1M prize to boost college attainment.

Kelly Hayes

MIND THE GAP: What A Year Off Means to Potential Employers

Whether it's teaching English in South Korea or going on tour with a punk rock band, a gap-year experience should mean something to you and potential employers.

Ray Fallon

Mind the Gap: Options Abound for Gap Years, But How to Choose?

There's no shortage of possibilities for the would-be gap-year taker, but determining the right fit and how to make it happen take some careful planning and research.

Young Entreprneurs thumb

Philly's Fastest: Two Under-25 Entrepreneurs to Watch

They might not be able to rent a car yet, but they're learning how to buy, sell and build their companies in big ways. Meet the 20-somethings behind MainLine Solar and OutPlay Technologies.

Gap Year thumb

Mind the Gap: Why You (Yes, You) Should Consider a Gap Year

Gap years are mostly popular in the U.K., but this Philadelphia U. student's series uncovers how they can transform the job prospects, resume, and spirit of any student -- or workforce veteran.
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